"The work and personality were there in our child, but IvyMetrix truly brought to light what made him unique and wanted by the targeted universities."
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U N D E R / G R A D U A T E A D M I S S I O N S A D V I S I N G
A C A D E M I C P R E P & E D U C A T I O N A L S U P P O R T
E X E C U T I V E P R E P & C A R E E R C O A C H I N G
S K I L L S - B A S E D L E A R N I N G P R O G R A M S
The beauty of life is that each person offers a distinct portfolio of perspectives, skills & potentials.
How can IvyMetrix best help you?
First, know what type of student you are...
The High Potential Driven Mind
Knowledge is your brainfood. Without such sustenance, you're miserable.
You're curious, need intellectual challenges & thrive on learning itself. With ambitions to reach your personal best, you stay up until the wee hours of the night to crunch numbers on extra math problem sets, refine your essays repeatedly, tweak slide presentations, and rewrite lab notes while reading the latest articles in The Economist, watching TedTalks, and thinking about how you can change the world as you serve your term as Class President, captain of the Debate Team, or DSG of Model United Nations. You're usually ahead of the game, serious & never miss a deadline. If you do, you're pretty hard on yourself. You demand no less than the highest grades being the results-oriented perfectionist you are. You want to go to a prestigious university, join the most renowned groups and rub elbows with the intellectual elite to become one of the world's movers & shakers. Anything less & you'll be disappointed.
1:1 Academic Advising (Short or Long-term)
Test Prep Package
Summer Enrichment Package
Maxima Cum Laude II | Summa Cum Laude Package
Create A Winning CV
Ace Your Live or Virtual Interview
The High Potential Doer
Learning is easy for you. But you can improve on self-discipline, structure & time management. You may love science & math. You might hate it. Alternatively, you may spend your time reading or learning history facts. Homework is submitted. Tests are taken. You understand what is expected of you in class, so you manage to get assignments completed, eventually. Downtime is important to enjoy freedom from anything intense. You're able to succeed in an academically rigorous program at an average level. If you applied yourself, you'd be exceptional. You tend to do best in classes you enjoy. You want to go to a good college, but you don't particularly care if it's an Ivy League. You can do work, but having fun is a priority.
Test Prep Package
Summer Enrichment Package
Magna Cum Laude | Maxima Cum Laude II Package
Create A Winning CV
Ace Your Live or Virtual Interview
The High Potential Dreamer
Learning is not exactly easy. You're not exactly sure why. It could be due to procrastination, too much time spent on Instagram, not paying attention in class, or being unmotivated by "bad" teachers or boring subjects. Your grades are not at all reflective of what you could achieve. You're motivated by subjects that interest you and will put in your greatest effort when you love what you're doing. You tend to be quite creative, yet have abilities to handle quantitative work. You want to stand apart from the crowd. College is an option, as long as it gives you an outlet for self-expression.
1:1 Speciality Tutoring
Test Prep Package
Magna Cum Laude | Summa Cum Laude Package
Ace Your Life or Virtual Interview
Career Mentoring