"The work and personality were there in our child, but IvyMetrix truly brought to light what made him unique and wanted by the targeted universities."
Family H.
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Family M.
U N D E R / G R A D U A T E A D M I S S I O N S A D V I S I N G
A C A D E M I C P R E P & E D U C A T I O N A L S U P P O R T
E X E C U T I V E P R E P & C A R E E R C O A C H I N G
S K I L L S - B A S E D L E A R N I N G P R O G R A M S
T O P 1 0 T I P S F O R A P P L I C A N T S

1 Get prepped early
2 Create a personal action plan
3 Target " best fit" schools
4 Stay organized
5 Get involved
6 Focus on the love of learning
7 Discover & follow your passions
8 Compete against yourself, not others
9 Be self-aware
10 Showcase your authentic self
A goal without a plan
is just a wish
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Get prepped early
To ultimately assemble a strong application, start planning as early as 8th grade.
Create a personal action plan
From coursework to extracurricular activities & summer experience, commitment
to your overall academic success begins with a structured roadmap.
Target "best fit" schools
Don't apply to name-brand schools for vanity's sake. With over 3,000 colleges in
the USA & Canada, check out schools which may actually fit you much better.
Stay organized
Keeping essential documents, transcripts & schoolwork in proper order will
lessen your stress throughout high school & the college application process.
Get involved
Participation in extracurricular activities will speak volumes about your ability
to contribute to the community & potential to work well and/or lead others.
Focus on the love of learning
Investing time & effort in acquiring knowledge always pays off in the long-term.
Never obsess about grades. Obsess about learning.
Discover & follow your passions
Spend time to think about what you really love doing. Consider what type of environment would be ideal to suit your true interests & nurture them.
Compete against yourself, not others
Instead of comparing yourself against what others are doing, ask yourself a simple question : what impact do you want to make with your own life?
Be self-aware
Soul-searching. Self-reflection. Call it what you want. The object is to constantly question who you are, what inspires you, and who you want to be.
Showcase your authentic self
Personal essays & interviews provide the opportunity to distinguish your true self. Providing an honest portrait will work wonders to demonstrate your merits.