"The work and personality were there in our child, but IvyMetrix truly brought to light what made him unique and wanted by the targeted universities."
Family H.
"Thank you, IvyMetrix! We couldn't have done it without you!"
Family M.
U N D E R / G R A D U A T E A D M I S S I O N S A D V I S I N G
A C A D E M I C P R E P & E D U C A T I O N A L S U P P O R T
E X E C U T I V E P R E P & C A R E E R C O A C H I N G
S K I L L S - B A S E D L E A R N I N G P R O G R A M S
F A Q s

Do I need IvyMetrix?
What exactly does IvyMetrix do?
What's the difference between IvyMetrix
& my high school guidance counselor?
Can IvyMetrix guarantee acceptance to my dream school?
If I'm located outside of the United States, can I still use IvyMetrix?
How much does IvyMetrix cost?
Does IvyMetrix offer test prep services
for standardized entry exams?
When should I start on the
college application process?
The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential.
These are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence
Answers to our most Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need IvyMetrix?
Our initial response : get as much accurate information as possible before you apply
to college. It doesn't matter where you find it. Invest in getting it & getting it right.
While there's a significant amount of free information available online, through your high school guidance counselor & directly from university websites or college fairs,
access to these resources may be limited. Resources may be unreliable or unclear. Research can be time-consuming & overwhelming.
With more questions than answers, you may begin to feel very uncertain or very confused about which colleges to apply to; how to complete & submit applications; how to fulfill admissions requirements; how to put forth a compelling personal narrative; when to apply; how to arrange & prepare for interviews; how best to manage expectations & increasing anxiety during this highly stressful & competitve
Worried that grades & test scores aren't high enough?
Need extra support & direction to reassure you're doing everything right?
Want accurate information or clarification to feel less confused?
Applying as an international, transfer or gap year student?
Started too late in the application process?
Don't even know where to begin?
IvyMetrix can help you during ANY phase of the admissions process. Because each applicant has a unique story with different strengths, weaknesses & dreams, we provide personalized attention for your particular profile & situation .
What exactly does IvyMetrix do?
Segmented into IvyMetrix & IvyMetrix Pro, we provide a wide range of advisory services for students applying to either undergraduate or graduate schools, as well as summer enrichment & post-grad executive programs in the United States & Canada.
Our services offer guidance with the application process from pre-application through acceptance phases. We provide vital information every applicant should know before tackling college applications, a structured planning schedule to manage important deadlines & organized approach to handle multiple application submissions. Working in partnership with high school college counselors, IvyMetrix works closely with students and families to ensure all admission requirements are met to avoid costly errors & unnecessary stress.
Academic preparation is also available to advise students on appropriate coursework, supplemental activities & standardized testing. This service can begin as early as middle school (7th & 8th grade). Executive prep assists older applicants who wish to re-enter academic programs to upgrade or change their careers.
Specialized tutoring is available for all types of students for English-language acquisition & applied competency. Private or group lessons teach academic, technical, practical or professional business English, depending on your needs.
IvyMetrix & IvyMetrix Pro also offers valuable cross-cultural training for students & professionals. These supplemental services complement long-term skills develop-ment to study, work & thrive in an English-speaking environment & the USA.
Advisory services are available for students interested in any academic field of study, including those with "specialty" backgrounds (for example, athletes; musicians; creative artists in theater, performing art, architecture & design, culinary) or specific pursuits, such as business, technology, law & hospitality / hotel management.
While we strive to provide expert step-by-step guidance for the college admissions process, IvyMetrix does NOT engage in falsifying profiles, achievements or recommendations; writing application essays; or completing the Common App on behalf of the college-bound applicant in strict accordance with the College Board Application Code of Ethics.
What's the difference between IvyMetrix & my high school guidance counselor?
IvyMetrix is an independent educational advisory group focusing on college admissions & academic prep. We provide additional support where students may not have adequate or dedicated guidance services.
In theory, your high school guidance counselor is a helpful & supportive resource who provides valuable information regarding the entire college admissions process from start to finish. In reality, counselors are often responsible for a very large number of students whose duties stretch beyond the scope of just college admissions.
Because IvyMetrix limits its number of clients per application season, we maintain our standard of excellence when it comes to quality attention & reliability. We get to know each applicant in-depth & spend the time to understand each individual's profile, working together with every student & family on a highly structured basis to ensure applicants manage realistic expectations, target "best-fit" schools & ultimately apply with confidence.
Can IvyMetrix guarantee acceptance to my dream school?
While IvyMetrix can help applicants maximize the chance of acceptance to schools which realistically correspond to a candidate's academic profile, our advisors do not guarantee admission to any college or university at any time. Beware of any service that promises college admission. It's a false claim.
If I'm located outside of the United States, can I still use IvyMetrix?
An internationally-focused company, both IvyMetrix & IvyMetrix Pro work with students from all regions of the world by phone, email & Skype video-conferencing.
It doesn't matter where or in which time zone you are are living, IvyMetrix & IvyMetrix Pro are available with reliable support. Face-to-face meetings are held depending on location & type of service purchased.
How much does it cost to use IvyMetrix?
Prices vary according to what you need.
Private one-on-one hourly rates can be customized to suit your specific needs.
Cost-saving package rates range from basic to premium. These packages are also customized with one-on-one dedicated service.
Group 1/2-day sessions are also available with the Essentials seminar series. These affordable sessions provide basic information, tips & techniques, important insider knowledge & informal Q&A in an efficient manner.
Does IvyMetrix offer test prep for standardized entry exams?
IvyMetrix partners with reputable professional testing companies to help
you improve scores for the SAT, ACT, TOEFL, IELTS, GED, GMAT or LSAT.
Since everyone learns at a different pace, one-on-one coaching is available & recommended when possible.
When should I start on the college application process?
The sooner you prepare, the more confident you'll be when it comes to applying to top colleges. Beginning as early as middle school (7/8th grade) is recommended so you can create a strategic academic roadmap & personal action plan for each year of high school & every summer up until senior year.
Don't panic if you've waited until the last minute! However, with deadlines fast approaching, you might need to catch up, investing significant time & effort to take a personal inventory of your entire background & goals before even starting the rigorous & costly application process!