"The work and personality were there in our child, but IvyMetrix truly brought to light what made him unique and wanted by the targeted universities."
Family H.
"Thank you, IvyMetrix! We couldn't have done it without you!"
Family M.
U N D E R / G R A D U A T E A D M I S S I O N S A D V I S I N G
A C A D E M I C P R E P & E D U C A T I O N A L S U P P O R T
E X E C U T I V E P R E P & C A R E E R C O A C H I N G
S K I L L S - B A S E D L E A R N I N G P R O G R A M S
When the pressure is high to succeed, count on IvyMetrix for reliable
& friendly support during any phase of the college application process.
Guiding you with seasoned experience & proven expertise, we'll help you develop a structured academic roadmap, showcase your unique profile, meet time-critical deadlines & ultimately submit your college application(s) with confidence & quality.
IvyMetrix makes every effort to help reduce harmful stress levels in today's anxious-ridden environment. Giving full attention to overall health & well-being, we prioritize a balanced perspective & lifestyle for every applicant. Getting to know you is a big part of our job. Listening to your needs is vital to properly assess which academic route, college campus, geography & social setting would best correspond to long-term goals.
Sharing knowledge of the university admissions process, our team of expert advisors & educational partners provide personalized counseling & training of the highest academic caliber, encouraging greater self-assessment, self-awareness & self-development so each applicant can reach his or her fullest potential as an independent thinker & doer.
Our full range of customized services include
Pre-college academic preparation & guidance
Pre-application student assessment
Selection of best universities & academic programs that correspond to a student's needs & set of criteria (academic, financial, personal)
Planning & guidance for one or multiple college applications (4-year/2-year programs)
Planning & guidance for summer enrichment programs (academic, athletic, theatre/creative arts & experiential)
Planning & guidance for college visits & appointments
Personal essay coaching
Supplemental material advising
Final application review, feedback & proofreading
Early action vs. early decision guidance
Pre-admission interview preparation
Post-application advising (acceptance, waitlist, deferral)
Final decision / pre-enrollment advising
Transfer or re-application advising
Gap year student advising & academic planning
International student guidance (visas, supplemental testing, what to expect while studying & living abroad)
Standardized test prep
Academic tutoring
English language immersion learning
Soft-skills building