"The work and personality were there in our child, but IvyMetrix truly brought to light what made him unique and wanted by the targeted universities."
Family H.
"Thank you, IvyMetrix! We couldn't have done it without you!"
Family M.
U N D E R / G R A D U A T E A D M I S S I O N S A D V I S I N G
A C A D E M I C P R E P & E D U C A T I O N A L S U P P O R T
E X E C U T I V E P R E P & C A R E E R C O A C H I N G
S K I L L S - B A S E D L E A R N I N G P R O G R A M S

your personal guide
on the road to academic success
Welcome to the world of the college application process!
Every year, tens of thousands of ambitious juniors & seniors in high schools around the world & their nervous parents begin the nail-biting, gut-wrenching process of applying to universities.
From the Americas, Europe & the Middle East to Africa, Asia & Oceania, hopeful students who dream of studying in the United States & Canada begin the arduous task of pre-selecting schools, filling out applications, taking entrance exams, writing essays, requesting recommendations, gathering support documents & ultimately submitting their best profiles for one common goal : to be accepted into a top American or Canadian college.
With so much at stake, the level of commitment & investment needed to
pursue a higher education is significant and, unfortunately, a cause for undue stress. At IvyMetrix, we understand this level of scholastic ambition & can help students & families manage the admissions process, keep expectations real & ultimately succeed in academic pursuits.
Catering to the specific needs of students from around the world, we pride ourselves as a globally-minded boutique admissions advisory firm that delivers customized guidance for those pursuing academic goals in some of the world's most prestigious schools in North America.
By limiting the number of applicants we work with annually, & building a genuine relationship, we provide quality attention & get to know our clients on a highly individual basis so each unique personality & background can shine.
Gain invaluable insight, practical knowledge & confidence during all phases of this intensely competitive & detail-oriented process. Understand key requirements from beginning to end. From pre-application to post-acceptance, IvyMetrix is by your side with friendly, reliable support so you can prepare well in advance, target "best-fit" schools & radically improve your chances of acceptance.
Already in college but lost & worried? Our International Academic Mentors are by your side to help put you back on course & make the right decisions about your academic future.
For graduate level students & professionals, IvyMetrix Pro is now available to advise applicants to graduate, law & business/executive MBA schools. IvyMetrix Pro additionally offers executive prep, featuring customized business language learning & other specialty professional coaching taught by qualified industry experts to improve core skills in a convenient & cost-effective manner.
Access IvyMetrix & IvyMetrix Pro services
anywhere in the world by phone & digital platforms!
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